Class 02 / Jan.12th
Mapping & Metaphor
- Form & function - a fusion of these concepts.
Mapping & metaphor design need:
- Project - style
- functions
- target --> users
- Mapping is taking these aspects and shaping them.
Spreading functions on a layout. Ex) map, phone keyboard, final design (object itself).
Layout has dimensions: 3D (space), 4D (time)
The relationship shared between (space + time) regarding the use of the object
Layout ----> interface:
ex) car dashboard -->
- guages (information)
- steering wheel, gear shift (interface elements)
- Mapping --> design --> interface --> information
- Exist in the same flow: interface elements (physical) + information
- ex) while driving:
- vibration - feel the speed (acceleration)
- guages - tells the speed (km/h)
- Feedback = Response
- The answer of the system that is being used.
- Loop - ready, on, awaiting input to produce feedback.
- Cybernetics - WWII, everything in nature/the world is a system
- From a system, you get a response (in real-time)
- Continuous, where there is input (moveing the mouse), there is feedback (movement/response)
- Numerous processes are occuring while driving:
- looking outside
- seeing guages (speed)
- feeling vibration
- appointment to get too
- you might be turning...
- Numerous processes running at the same time but they don't have the same nature (abstract, physical)
- Driving is a flow: an even distribution of all of these different processes.
- Analyze --> Breaking it down --> Processes
- Mapping --> spreading processes evenly on a scale.
- from abstract <-----to-----> physical
- Interface - a system to send instructions.
- System - an IN and OUT.
- Affordances - inverse casts (where and how to interact)
- Behaviour of a system, to give feedback.
- Form Follows Function
- Physical:
- more physicality
- time and space
- 24 hours (overall picture)
- tells where you lie in the overall layout of the day, somewhere in those 24 hours. (time + space)
- approximation
- Digital:
- data
- pure precision
- a.m. & p.m. needed to compensate
- There are affordances in physical and graphical space.
- Bit - 1 unit of information.
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